Physician Associates Frailty Team

This new team was built following earlier expectations in 2022 in the PCN DES around a service such as this being required. These requirements  were paused post COVID but we have continued to develop the team. Drs Rajan and Keller provided the vision and guidance for setting up this team. The team aims to provide core general practice – providing assessment, treatment and advice for patients that their supervising GP delegates as appropriate to their level of training and experience. This will include routine and acute care. They will also provide Frailty Visits – providing holistic proactive assessment of frail patients in their homes. These patients will be identified by their supervising GP and will include patients discharged from hospital, housebound patients reviews, acutely unwell frail patients and involve opportunities to build relationships with these patients to have planned discussions with patients and their relatives around future care wishes. Training and development will be undertaken.  Each PA will be enrolled on the preceptorship scheme; additionally there may be at least another session a week where the Northwest PAs  meet together with LK/ AR for educational sessions.  The aligned practice ensures that each sessions has a named GP supervisor for queries & debriefing.

PCN Management Lead

Mrs Lin Murray

PCN Overall Accountable Person (CD or Deputy CD)

Dr Lunn (Clinical Director)

Team Lead

Liz Keller / Annie Rajan           – Wellspring

Individuals Team Members Supervision / Education

Via Liz Keller and Annie Rajan

Further training and supervision in base practice

Areas of responsibility

Deliver a quality improvement program for our frail housebound population

Metrics needed

Nil formal yet – will await ICS

Staff                                                                Place of work / Practice

Lucy Benson                – PA                              Wellspring   (employed by Stephenson Park)

Hannah Downs            – PA                              Mallard        (employed by Stephenson Park)

Rebecca Bisp               – PA                              West Farm  (employed by Stephenson Park)

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